Soup of my Childhood

Now when I'm grown up, looking at the various recipes I sometimes find pumpkin soup - but I'm completely alien, with carrots, sharply, with curry, with ginger.
And I want this old, sweet, with milk, with dumplings.
Incredibly simple to do, the longest probably playing with a blender, and then ... plate of warm, filling, incredibly fragrant soup of wonderful color. Soup of the child that was cooked in my house.
I am an adult person as soon as I can do for my family and pumpkin soup.I want my loved ones to try dishes that my parents did.My recipe for you.

I am an adult person as soon as I can do for my family and pumpkin soup.I want my loved ones to try dishes that my parents did.My recipe for you.

1kg pumpkin
4 cups of milk
1 poppy flour
half glasse of water
sugar to taste
Pumpkin, cut into cubes, cook until soft in milk. Prepare the mash from: 1 cup flour, water, salt; bake hard dough with poppy seeds, water, grate on the grater or slice small pieces, .disk to pumpkin milk mix.
